Planetarium Show: Two Small Pieces of Glass

Follow two students to a local star party and learn with them how the telescope has helped us understand our place in space and how telescopes continue to expand our understanding of the universe.  Tag along as a local astronomer enlightens them on the history of the telescope and the discoveries these incredible tools have…

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Planetarium Show: Imagine the Moon

Explore how the Moon has inspired human creativity, learning, and exploration ever since we have looked to the sky.  Experience the first Apollo Moon landing and Neil Armstrong’s first words as he stepped on the Moon’s surface.  Learn the current scientific theory on how the Moon formed and why it looks the way it does…

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Planetarium: Destination Mars: The New Frontier

  Mars, the red planet. It has fueled our imaginations for centuries – inspiring stories, music, and the dream of exploring other worlds. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly to Mars? NASA and others are preparing to take human space flight to the next level. Learn how the International Space…

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Planetarium Show: Moles: What Is Out There?

  Meet Plato, a very curious young mole and his best friends, earthworms Alfa, Beta, and Gamma.  With the help of Professor Socrates, a very distinguished beetle, children along with Plato and his friends will discover why we have night and day, why does the Moon look different every night, what are the stars and…

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Planetarium Show: Moons: Worlds of Mystery

Join us as we explore the little worlds of our solar system.  Learn how our own Moon was born and the role it has played in making Earth a planet habitable for life.  Explore the diversity of Jupiter’s four Galilean moons, Saturn’s moon Titan and moons orbiting asteroids and Kuiper Belt objects like Pluto.  Speculate…

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Planetarium Show: Tonight’s Sky

  Take a tour of the summer night sky with Robin, our Astronomy Education Specialist.  Learn what constellations and bright stars are in the night sky this time of year and what planets we can see.  Experience some of the incredible deep sky objects this sky has to offer including galaxies, star clusters, and more.  And…

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Planetarium Show: Journey To A Billion Suns

Learn about the exciting, untold story of mapping the stars, combining ancient history with scientific evolution.  Look back at the astronomers whose quest was to understand the distance to the stars for the purpose of understanding how our world was formed.  From the 129BC star map of about 1000 stars created by Hipparchus to the…

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Planetarium Show: Forward! To The Moon

In just a single lifetime we have moved from our first space rocket launch to using space technology in our everyday day life. The Apollo Moon landings of the last century were just the beginning. Be inspired by NASA’s Artemis program, named after the Greek Moon Goddess and twin to Apollo, our next chapter in…

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Planetarium Show: Living Worlds

    Whether earthly or alien, all life leaves a trace. Journey through space and time as we explore the co-evolution of life and our planet. Discover the ways life has transformed Earth’s surface and atmosphere over billions of years making our planet livable. Then contemplate what life might look like and where it may…

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Planetarium Show: Living Worlds

    Whether earthly or alien, all life leaves a trace. Journey through space and time as we explore the co-evolution of life and our planet. Discover the ways life has transformed Earth’s surface and atmosphere over billions of years making our planet livable. Then contemplate what life might look like and where it may…

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