April 2025 Full Pink Moon
April’s full Moon is called the Pink Moon, and it occurs on Saturday, April 12. The Moon will look full when it rises at 8:01PM EST, but it won’t be a true full Moon until 8:22PM EST when the Moon has moved in its orbit so that Earth is directly between the Moon and Sun. …
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 04/02/2025
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! They’re on their way! A truly delightful harbinger of spring is the dazzling appearance of hummingbirds as they return from their wintering grounds in Central America. The most common species of hummingbird in Ohio is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, which is the only hummingbird that breeds in the eastern part of the United States.…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 03/26/2025
Hoppy #WildlifeWednesday! Wood frogs have recently been treating vernal pool habitats to their loud quacking chorus of song, so let’s learn some fun facts about these fascinating amphibians! Wood frogs are forest-dwelling and spend most of their time during warm months on the ground near freshwater wetlands. They have extreme cold tolerance, and in the…
Read MoreSnowshoe Hares
Snowshoe hares are found throughout Canada and in the northernmost part of the U.S. They were native to the northeast corner of Ohio but disappeared in the early 1900s due to the clearing of forests to create farmland. Early attempts to reintroduce these hares to Ohio were unsuccessful; however, in 2000 the ODNR Division of…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 03/19/2025
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! We are celebrating today with some interesting facts about the Virginia opossum! The Virginia opossum is the only species of opossum found in Ohio and is also the northernmost marsupial (animal that carries its young in a pouch) in the world! It is an omnivore and has 50 teeth, more than any other…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 03/12/2025
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! It is the time of year when we observe, appreciate, and celebrate Ohio’s state amphibian (and a TWC mascot), the spotted salamander! A type of mole salamander, this cute creature with bright yellow spots and a perpetual smile lives most of its life underground. After a long winter of brumation (similar to hibernation),…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 03/05/2025
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! It’s that time of year! The days are getting longer, temperatures are getting warmer, and birds are starting to migrate! Spring migration is the seasonal movement of birds from their wintering grounds to the areas where they will breed and spend months nesting, taking advantage of the warm weather and plentiful food sources.…
Read MoreMarch 2025 Full Worm Moon
The full Worm Moon occurs at 2:55AM EDT on March 14, 2025. For Southern Native American tribes, the name Worm Moon came from the observation that earthworms begin to appear as the soil warms in spring. However, early northern Native American tribes did not see earthworms in March because glaciers had wiped out all soil…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 02/26/2025
Happy #Wildlife Wednesday! The fisher is a forest-dwelling carnivorous mammal in the mustelid family. Mustelids include animals such as otters, weasels, badgers, ferrets, wolverines, and minks. Fishers have long thin bodies with glossy fur coats and weigh around 5 to 15 pounds, with males being larger than the females. Despite their common name, fishers do…
Read MoreWhat’s the Conservation Team Been Up To This Winter?
For our Land Steward, Zac, winter is anything but a time to slow down! With the help of dedicated volunteers, he’s been hard at work improving our native habitats. Winter offers unique advantages for land management, and we’ve been making the most of them. One of our winter projects is the Winter Brush Blitz, where…
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