Dark Sky Initiative

Dark Sky Initiative

The electric light bulb has been in use for over 100 years and while artificial light at night has revolutionized the way we live and work outdoors it has come at a steep price.  Artificial light at night disrupts wildlife harming ecosystems, negatively impacts human health, wastes energy, contributes directly to climate change and blocks our view of the universe robbing us of our rich night sky heritage.


The Wilderness Center’s Dark Sky Initiative is threefold.  The first goal is to make The Wilderness Center a model of good dark sky conservation behaviors through appropriate dark sky lighting practices.  The second goal is to become a regional resource for others wanting to make their yards and homes dark sky friendly by providing educational opportunities.  And the third goal is to create a group of Dark Sky Citizen Scientists.


Light pollution is the one form of environmental pollution the average person can do something about, and at The Wilderness Center we believe that dark skies start at home!

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Dates and times for dark sky and citizen science presentations at TWC can be found on our website calendar. Request a dark sky or citizen science presentation for your group at TWC or your location.

Contact us for scheduling and pricing at 330-359-5235 or TWC@WildernessCenter.org.


Need help evaluating your current outdoor lighting? We can help! A TWC representative will come to your home and help you inventory your outdoor lighting and provide dark sky friendly lighting recommendations.

Contact us for scheduling and pricing at 330-359-5235 or TWC@WildernessCenter.org.

Partner with us!

We want to help your business, development company or homeowners association become dark sky friendly. Contact us to learn more about our consulting services.