Wildlife Wednesday 03/27/24

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! Our trails at TWC are currently bursting with Virginia springbeauties! These small pink and white flowers are native to the eastern United States and Canada, and can be found in a variety of habitats including forests, woodlands, meadows, ravines, parks, and lawns.

The perennial plants grow from underground tubers, giving them the nickname “fairy spuds.” The potato-like roots are edible with a flavor described as chestnut-like. The flowers are also frequently eaten by foragers and wild food enthusiasts.

Flowering occurs between March and May, and in large patches the low-growing spring beauties are particularly stunning, covering the ground in a blanket of delicate blooms. The blossoms are an attractive favorite of many species of bees and other pollinators.

The best place to see these early spring wildflowers at TWC is along the Wilderness Walk path. 

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