Wildlife Wednesday 09/25/2024

The striking luna moth, also known as the American moon moth, spends about a month of its life cycle as a hungry caterpillar.

Found in deciduous woodlands in North America where their larval foods occur, the hardy caterpillars spend all of their time eating. Constantly. They munch upon the leaves of walnut, hickory, birch, and sweet gum trees.

Their bright green bodies have yellow lines and red spots, and are equipped with small spines which are thought to act as protection from predators such as lizards and birds. 

After 3-4 weeks spent eating and eating, the caterpillar constructs a simple silk cocoon on the forest floor. The pupal stage lasts approximately two weeks in warm climates, and in cold climates the pupae may overwinter covered in leaf litter.

The translucent creature that emerges from the cocoon is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful moth species. Part of the giant silk moth group, its body is white and the large wings are lime green in color.

Its adult life stage is brief, lasting only 7-10 days. The moth does not have a functional mouth or digestive system, so it must rely on the energy stored from all the food it consumed as a caterpillar. Proof that it is important to eat your greens!

Meet the nocturnal luna moth at the Enchanted Forest!

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