Wildlife Wednesday 09/11/2024

It’s #WildlifeWednesday and we are talking about bears (oh my!). More specifically, the American black bear. Visitors to The Wilderness Center often ask if bears live in our woods and the answer is…not right now. But they have in the past, and could again in the future.

Historically, black bears were abundant throughout Ohio, prior to major human settlement. But by the 1850s bears were considered officially extirpated from the state, due to extensive deforestation and unregulated hunting.

In the past several years, however, sightings of black bears have become more common in the Buckeye state. They have a large home range (~100 miles) and prefer forested habitat with thick vegetation, and are most frequently spotted in the northeastern and southeastern parts of state, likely moving in from Pennsylvania and West Virginia. 

American black bears are omnivores, primarily foraging for fruits, berries, shoots, grasses, and nuts, though they will also eat insects, fish, eggs, carrion, and other animal protein. And they do love honey! 

While generally shy and avoidant of humans, they are attracted to bird feeders, garbage cans with scraps of food, and outdoor pet bowls, which can be problematic if the bear loses its fear of people. Being bear aware is important as more and more of these charismatic creatures establish themselves as residents of Ohio.

While black bears aren’t calling TWC home just yet, visitors to the Enchanted Forest will get to see Bear this year as one of the characters! Be sure not to miss this chance to encounter a bear in our woods!

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