Wildlife Wednesday 03/26/2025

Hoppy #WildlifeWednesday!

Wood frogs have recently been treating vernal pool habitats to their loud quacking chorus of song, so let’s learn some fun facts about these fascinating amphibians!

Wood frogs are forest-dwelling and spend most of their time during warm months on the ground near freshwater wetlands. They have extreme cold tolerance, and in the winter they are able to withstand their tissues and blood freezing.

They are one of the first amphibians to emerge from hibernation for breeding, as soon as the snow melts. They breed in ephemeral ponds rather than in permanent bodies of water such as ponds and lakes, as the lack of fish predators in the temporary pools provides a better chance of survival to the eggs and tadpoles.

Wood frogs are explosive breeders, using a reproductive strategy that condenses their mating into a very short window of time, gathering in huge numbers and forming dense aggregations.

Tadpoles are omnivorous, feeding on plants, algae, and other organisms. Adult wood frogs are primarily insectivores, lunging as they hunt and grabbing the prey with their long tongues.

Male wood frogs have a distinctive call, which they emit as they swim around in search of females. It is often compared to the sound of a chicken clucking or duck quacking, and is a sure sign that spring is on the way!

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