Wildlife Wednesday 03/19/2025

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! We are celebrating today with some interesting facts about the Virginia opossum!

The Virginia opossum is the only species of opossum found in Ohio and is also the northernmost marsupial (animal that carries its young in a pouch) in the world!

It is an omnivore and has 50 teeth, more than any other North American land mammal, and is able to eat a wide variety of food such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, carrion, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates, and other mammals.

Most young are born in the spring, between March and June. Newborns are the size of a honeybee and they climb into the mother’s pouch, where they will stay for about 2 and half months to grow and develop. They will then stay with their mother and siblings for another several months, riding around on their mother’s back while they learn survival skills.

Opossums rarely contract rabies. Their body temperature is lower than that of other mammals and cannot host the virus. They also have a natural immunity to snake venom.

One of its defense mechanisms is feigning death, or “playing possum.” This fear response to a predator or other threat is involuntary. The unconscious opossum will lay motionless and secrete a vile smelling fluid, deterring animals that eat live prey and convincing them it is dead or diseased or otherwise unappetizing.

Compared to other mammals, the Virginia opossum has a notably short lifespan. The maximum life expectancy in the wild is only 2 years, and most survive only half that long. Even in captivity with veterinary care and a safe environment an opossum is not expected to live past the age of 4.

Opossums are excellent climbers, using the opposable thumbs on their hind legs and their hairless prehensile tail to aid with gripping branches and objects.

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