Wildlife Wednesday 07/03/2024

It’s #WildlifeWednesday and we are celebrating the upcoming Independence Day holiday with our national symbol, the Bald Eagle! The Bald Eagle is found throughout Ohio, with the largest concentration of birds located in the marsh regions along Lake Erie. They prefer areas with large old growth trees for nesting near open bodies of water. Primarily…

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Wildlife Wednesday 06/26/2024

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! The Wilderness Center’s high quality habitats are home to many species of salamanders. One of the terrestrial salamanders that can be found is the Northern slimy salamander. Its common name comes from the sticky slime it produces in glands on its tail and lower back, which it uses to defend itself from predators.…

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Wildlife Wednesday 06/19/2024

The Common snapping turtle is the largest species of turtle in Ohio, with some full-grown individuals weighing well over 35 pounds. While they achieve massive size as adults, when first hatched they measure only 2-3 centimeters, or about the size of a quarter! Peak egg-laying season in Ohio is during the months of May and…

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Wildlife Wednesday 06/12/2024

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! Known for its striking yellow and pink coloration, thick wooly body, and fuzzy antennae, the rosy maple moth is a favorite among moth enthusiasts. A small member of the silk moth family, the rosy maple moth is found in the eastern United States and Canada. It makes its home in deciduous forests and…

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Wildlife Wednesday 06/05/2024

Leaves of three, let it be. It’s #WildlifeWednesday and we are talking about poison ivy. Poison ivy is a common perennial vine or small shrub found in woodlands, fields, pastures, home landscapes, and a variety of other habitats throughout Ohio. The plant has compound leaves with three leaflets (hence the adage), the stalk of the…

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Wildlife Wednesday 05/29/2024

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! This week we are talking about waterfowl! It is the delightful time of year known as “baby bird season” and geese and ducks can be spotted swimming and waddling around with their numerous adorable offspring in tow. Popular culture has historically depicted tossing bread, crackers, and popcorn to the endearing goslings and ducklings…

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Wildlife Wednesday 05/22/2024

Whooooo’s ready for our upcoming owl prowl? It’s #WildlifeWednesday and we will highlight the 3 species of owls we are most likely to encounter on our grounds this time of year. The Great Horned Owl is the largest owl in Ohio and with its enormous yellow eyes, long ear tufts, and deep hooting call, it…

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Wildlife Wednesday 05/15/2024

For today’s #WildlifeWednesday we discuss an invasive plant that is widespread throughout Ohio: garlic mustard. Introduced to North America from Europe in the mid-1800s for its herbal and medicinal characteristics, garlic mustard is now present in nearly every county in the state. It spreads easily in pastures, lawns, floodplains, along roadsides, and in woods and…

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Wildlife Wednesday 05/08/2024

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! April showers bring May flowers, and one of the most iconic is the mayapple. These woodland plants are widespread throughout the eastern USA and emerge early in the spring, typically growing in large colonies from a single root. They prefer rich moist soil with plenty of organic matter and thrive in full or…

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Wildlife Wednesday 05/01/2024

Happy #WildlifeWednesday!  It’s that time of year when white-tailed deer babies start showing up in yards and on lawns. Fawns are born in Ohio between May and July and although they are able to walk at birth, they need to spend several weeks with their mother for food and protection. Mother deer purposely leave their…

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