Posts Tagged ‘salamander’
Wildlife Wednesday 03/12/2025
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! It is the time of year when we observe, appreciate, and celebrate Ohio’s state amphibian (and a TWC mascot), the spotted salamander! A type of mole salamander, this cute creature with bright yellow spots and a perpetual smile lives most of its life underground. After a long winter of brumation (similar to hibernation),…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 06/26/2024
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! The Wilderness Center’s high quality habitats are home to many species of salamanders. One of the terrestrial salamanders that can be found is the Northern slimy salamander. Its common name comes from the sticky slime it produces in glands on its tail and lower back, which it uses to defend itself from predators.…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 02/28
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! It is the time of year when we observe, appreciate, and celebrate Ohio’s state amphibian (and a TWC mascot), the spotted salamander! A type of mole salamander, this cute creature with bright yellow spots and a perpetual smile lives most of its life underground. After a long winter of brumation (similar to hibernation),…
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