July 2024 Full Buck Moon

July’s full Moon, called the full Buck Moon, will occur at 6:17A.M. EDT on July 21, 2024.  By this time the Moon will have slipped below our southwestern horizon.  Not to worry though, if you want to see the Buck Moon it will look full and round to our eyes on the nights of July…

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June 2024 Full Strawberry Moon

As the Sun is setting on June 21, 2024, the first full Moon of summer, the Strawberry Moon, will be rising. The rising strawberry Moon won’t be pink, but it will appear large and golden in color.  And because this full Moon follows on the heels of the summer solstice which occurred on June 20…

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May 2024 Full Flower Moon

May’s full Flower Moon occurs in the morning on May 23, 2024, at exactly 9:53AM EDT.  This is the moment the Sun and Moon are on exact opposite sides of the Earth. For us the Moon will be below the horizon by this time.  Being able to see a full Moon at the exact moment…

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April 2024 Pink Full Moon

The Pink full Moon of April occurs on April 23 at exactly 7:49PM EDT.  No, the Moon itself will not be pink in color.  The Pink Moon symbolizes springtime and new growth.  It was given the name “pink” after the herb moss pink, also called creeping phlox, a plant native to the eastern U.S. that…

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Total Solar Eclipse (April 8, 2024)

The long awaited total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, is almost here.  The path of totality, where the Sun’s light is totally blocked by the Moon, through Ohio is 200 miles long and 115 miles wide.  If you’re anywhere within this path, you will see the total eclipse.  Those outside this path will see…

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March 2024 Full Worm Moon

March’s full Worm Moon, the first full Moon of spring, occurs at 3:00AM EDT on March 25, 2024. To our eyes the Moon will look full and round the nights of March 24, 25 and 26. Traditionally it’s called the Worm Moon because March is when the ground begins to thaw, and earthworms begin to wiggle up…

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Leo the Lion

Leo, the Lion, is one of the 12 zodiacal constellations that mark the apparent path of the Sun and planets through the sky and it’s one of the first constellations of spring. In fact, when you see his head poking above the eastern horizon in early February you know spring isn’t far off. Leo is one of…

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2024 February Full Moon

“The full snow moon will rise to see what once were fields of hay, She’ll gaze upon the barren rows, snowed in from yesterday.  She’ll share here night with stars ablaze, yet spreading little heat …”  From “The Full Snow Moon …” by Joy A Burki-Watson February’s full Snow Moon occurs on the 24th at…

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Join us for the Perseid Meteor Shower

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and join The WildernessCenter Astronomy Club for our annual Perseid meteor showerwatch on August 13. No special equipment is needed — justyour eyes. The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower ofthe year. You should plan on staying for a while. The numberof Perseids visible will increase from about…

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