Snowshoe Hares

Snowshoe hares are found throughout Canada and in the northernmost part of the U.S.  They were native to the northeast corner of Ohio but disappeared in the early 1900s due to the clearing of forests to create farmland.  Early attempts to reintroduce these hares to Ohio were unsuccessful; however, in 2000 the ODNR Division of Wildlife began successfully re-establishing the snowshoe hare in northeast Ohio.  They are protected in Ohio, meaning they can’t be hunted.

These hares are fascinating creatures.  They are active at dusk and dawn and at night making them crepuscular and nocturnal.   Hares are bigger than rabbits and have longer legs and ears.  During the winter snowshoe hares have a thick white coat that allows them to blend in with the snow.  Come spring they shed their white fur and grow a thin brown fur that camouflages them in the greens and browns of the forest floor.  This molt can take about 72 days and seems to be regulated by the changing length of daylight.  And they have two different sets of hair follicles, one set for white hair, and one set for brown hair.   The snowshoe hare doesn’t get its name from its white furry coat but from its back feet.  These hind feet can be up to seven inches long and they have webbing between the toes like snowshoes.  These feet allow the hare to stay on top of the snow while running and jumping.  When running they can reach speeds up to 30 mph.  Newborn hares are born with a full coat of fur and open eyes.  They can hop around a few hours after birth.  Baby hares hide in separate locations during the day, getting together only for five to ten minutes at a time to nurse.  Mom hare takes care of her babies for about four weeks then they’re on their own.  One last fun hare fact. These hares are skilled swimmers and have been seen swimming across small lakes and rivers.  They have even been seen getting into water to avoid predators.

Snowshoe hares play an important role in the ecosystem, not for what they eat – they’re herbivores, but as prey animals.  Their predators include gray/red foxes, coyotes, bobcats and minks.  These hares are dependent on the seasonal lengthening and shortening of daylight to prepare themselves for winter and summer.  They use the dark to feed and protect themselves from predators.  Let’s help the snowshoe hare by turning off all unnecessary lights at night so they can have the dark nighttime environment they need to thrive and continue as an important member of their ecosystem.

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