Partnerships For Wilderness

Join us

Do you have a life goal or company mission that involves supporting conservation, education, or community?  Do you want to affect how The Wilderness Center positively impacts the lives of thousands of children and adults in our region?  Do you want to help counteract your environmental impact by donating to a cause that leads to more resilient ecosystems?


Join us as a Partner for Wilderness.  All partnerships and sponsorships are accompanied by specific levels of recognition, impact, and engagement opportunities.  The first step will include scheduling a one-on-one meeting and tour with our Development Coordinator to discuss the impact and results of your program support.


All partnerships are flexible, and we are happy to work with you to determine a commitment level you feel comfortable with and is mutually beneficial, whether it is monetary support, in-kind donations, collaborating on volunteer projects, or just helping us spread the word about Conservation, Education, and Community!


Contact us today to schedule your meeting and tour with our Development Coordinator!



The Wilderness Center hosts several community events throughout the year, and we welcome your support to make them impactful plus give your business exposure!

Currently looking for partners for:

The Enchanted Forest
Ales for Trails

Capital Projects

The Wilderness Center is always growing and making improvements to our facilities to provide the best in environmental education.  By supporting a capital project, you are creating a lasting legacy for your family or company.

Nature Playscape Upgrade


Many ongoing programs have measurable impact in our community.  Put your name on something meaningful!

Opportunities for sponsoring Educational and Conservation Programs coming soon!

General Support

Support the Work of TWC by donating to our General Support fund.  By supporting TWC, you're committing to furthering our mission of connecting our Community to Conservation through Education.

Learn More

TWC'S Reach

TWC reaches our audience through several channels including our website, e-newsletters, social media, and widely-read print newsletter.

Although we proudly serve and reach a large area of the Northeast Ohio Region, we have concentrated much of our outreach in Stark, Wayne, Holmes, and Tuscarawas Counties.

TWC Outreach Metrics

TWC's Audience

A 2021 Survey of TWC's members and followers presented some interesting data.  Our followers are in households of different sizes, a wide variety of ages and from a wide region across Northeast Ohio.

We are  committed to growing our audience in 3 distinct demographics groups:

  • Families and schools who are interested in providing environmental education for their children in order to raise the next generation of conservation and science-minded citizens.
  • Adults interested in life-long learning and what they can do to promote conservation and healthy environmental habits.
  • Those interested in or planning to leave a legacy of conservation and land preservation.
Where are our followers:

Our followers have 1-2 people in their household

The majority of our followers are under the age of 65

Thank You to our Sponsors!


Learn more about the natural world around you.


Restore, preserve and protect your corner of the world.


Protect the planet and serve your community with TWC.