Planetarium Show: The Cowboy Astronomer

Are you joining us for Firefly Festival? Enhance your festival experience by catching a planetarium show! Planetarium show tickets are in addition to the Firefly Festival entry fee.  Space in the planetarium is limited and show tickets are available for purchase now. Learn about the night sky from the unique perspective of a Cowboy Astronomer. …

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Planetarium Shows: Larry Cat in Space

Take off on a lunar adventure with a curious stowaway cat! “Larry Cat in Space” is a playful, imaginative cartoon presentation about an inquisitive cat who takes a trip to the Moon. Through Larry’s eyes, we observe his human family, a group of enthusiastic sky-watchers. When his best friend Diana takes a job on the…

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Planetarium Show: Forward to the Moon

In just a single lifetime we have moved from our first space rocket launch to using space technology in our everyday day life. The Apollo Moon landings of the last century were just the beginning. Be inspired by NASA’s Artemis program, named after the Greek Moon goddess and twin to Apollo, our next chapter in…

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Planetarium Show: Forward to the Moon

In just a single lifetime we have moved from our first space rocket launch to using space technology in our everyday day life. The Apollo Moon landings of the last century were just the beginning. Be inspired by NASA’s Artemis program, named after the Greek Moon goddess and twin to Apollo, our next chapter in…

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Planetarium Show: Tonight’s Sky

Take a tour of the summer night sky with Robin, our Astronomy Education Specialist. Learn what constellations and bright stars are in the night sky this time of year and what planets we can see. Experience some of the incredible deep sky objects this sky has to offer including galaxies, star clusters, and more. And…

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Planetarium Show: Exoplanets- Discovering New Worlds

Discovering alien worlds is no longer science fiction! Join teams of astronomers around the world who are searching for exoplanets. Learn the methods they use to detect these worlds, such as studying the minute “wobbles” of stars and detecting flickers in a star’s brightness. Thousands of extrasolar planets have now been discovered ranging from hot…

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Planetarium Show: Planet Nine

Follow Mike Brown, astronomer and planet hunter, on his quest for the elusive Planet Nine.  Brown and his team have discovered many intriguing new worlds in the Kuiper Belt, bright Eris, tumbling Haumea, an egg-shaped object rotating incredibly fast with two moons, and Sedna, whose orbit takes it deep into the far reaches of the…

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Planetarium Show: Planet Nine

Follow Mike Brown, astronomer and planet hunter, on his quest for the elusive Planet Nine.  Brown and his team have discovered many intriguing new worlds in the Kuiper Belt, bright Eris, tumbling Haumea, an egg-shaped object rotating incredibly fast with two moons, and Sedna, whose orbit takes it deep into the far reaches of the…

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Planetarium Show: Living Worlds

Whether earthly or alien, all life leaves a trace. Journey through space and time as we explore the co-evolution of life and our planet. Discover the ways life has transformed Earth’s surface and atmosphere over billions of years making our planet livable. Then contemplate what life might look like and where it may be found…

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Planetarium Show: Living Worlds

Whether earthly or alien, all life leaves a trace. Journey through space and time as we explore the co-evolution of life and our planet. Discover the ways life has transformed Earth’s surface and atmosphere over billions of years making our planet livable. Then contemplate what life might look like and where it may be found…

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