Planetarium Show: Totality

Jan 13, 2024 2:00PM—3:00PM


Planetarium in the Astronomy Education Building at TWC 9877 Alabama Ave SW Wilmot, OH 44689

Cost $6.00

Event Contact Robin Gill | Email


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On April 8, 2024, everyone in the continental U.S. will be treated to a solar eclipse. Parts of 14 states lie along the path of totality and those in this path will see a total eclipse of the Sun.  Those outside the path of totality will see only a partial eclipse, how partial depends on how far away they are from the path of totality.  Learn how eclipses happen, how to safely view them and where this total eclipse will take place.  Be amazed by the fascinating history of eclipse watchers and how they went from fearing eclipses to being able to predict their occurrence with great accuracy.  Total solar eclipses are rare and beautiful phenomena.  There won’t be another solar eclipse crossing the U.S. until the year 2045 so you don’t want to miss this one!


If you want to learn more about the total solar eclipse in Ohio come to the presentation “Solar Eclipse 2024” before this show.  Description and registration for the presentation is on the website.


Please arrive 10 minutes early.