Planetarium Show: Chronicle of a Journey to Earth

May 17, 2025 11:00AM—12:00PM


Astronomy Education Building at TWC 9877 Alabama Ave SW Wilmot, OH 44689

Cost $4/TWC Member, $6/Nonmember

Event Contact Robin Gill | Email

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Tour the solar system from the perspective of a visitor from another part of the galaxy.  Starting at the farthest reaches of our solar system, the Oort Cloud, and moving in toward the Sun we learn about each of the planets, the difference between rocky and gas giant planets, and are introduced to dwarf planets, and other objects in the solar system.  Due to its uniqueness our visitor chooses Earth to spend time on and study further.  On Earth, we learn about lunar phases, lunar and solar eclipses, Earth’s seasons and how they depend on Earth’s axial tilt and its relationship to the Sun.  These concepts are woven together into a journey of exploration and discovery.


This show is for children 8+ years old and families. 


A “Tonight’s Sky” program showing seasonal constellations and planets currently in the night sky will follow the fulldome show.


Please arrive 10 minutes early. Seating is limited; pre-registration ensures you a seat.  Walk-ins accepted if seats are available, cash only and exact payment requested.