Night in with Nature: Oh, The Nature Places You’ll Go!
Mar 11, 2023 6:30PM—8:00PM
Your own comfy couch!
Cost $25.00
Event Contact Laura Firestone | Email
Enjoy a Night in with Nature from the comfort of your own home!
Oh, the Nature Places You’ll Go! takes you on a virtual journey to 4 fascinating but lesser-known nature destinations in the US. Beyond the visual intrigue of these sites, we will discover a special ecological feature of each, as well as the significance to local wildlife. The first 3 sites span the country, but our final site is a worthy nature destination close enought for a day trip from northeastern OH.
Please note: This registration is for program only and does not inlcude a food pickup option from a local restaurant partner.
Registration for program only is open until March 10, 2023.