Citizen Science- Stream Habitat Assessment (cQHEI)

Sep 20, 2024 10:00AM—4:00PM


The Wilderness Center 9877 Alabama Ave SW Wilmot, OH 44689

Cost $0.00

Event Contact Zac Justus | Email


Topics , , , , , , ,

Come learn what makes good stream habitat for fish and invertebrates. This will be an in-depth, hands-on opportunity for the public and professionals to gain an understanding of the importance of stream habitats and the many ecological benefits provided by natural streams. There will be a classroom style portion in the morning, followed by a field portion.

You will have the option to receive a certification after completion of this course to become a Certified Level 1 Qualified Data Collector through the Ohio EPA. If available, bring knee boots, hip boots, or waders to go into shallow streams. TWC has limited waders or boots available to borrow. Lunch will be provided. This program is intended for adults.

Sponsored by the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation.