Backyard Habitat Speaker: Dan Volk, Seed Collection for Habitat Restoration

Sep 27, 2024 10:00AM—12:00PM


The Wilderness Center 9877 Alabama Ave SW Wilmot, OH 44689

Cost $0.00

Event Contact Dan Volk | Email


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FREE! Come be a part of habitat restoration with TWC’s Director of Conservation, Dan Volk and the Conservation Team! We will talk about the seed collection and restoration process followed by a morning of collecting seeds.

Bring appropriate clothing and footwear for walking through a prairie. This program is intended for adults, with a minimum age of 13 for participants.

This event is part 1 of our Fall Stewardship Challenge kick off day/event! Bring a packed lunch to enjoy with our conservation staff and volunteers in between events. (Part 2: Fall Stewardship Challenge: Stream Clean Up at Fox Creek)

Attending both events is not required.