TWC Clubs
TWC special interest clubs are places where people who share common interests come together to explore their hobbies and serve the community. These clubs are a vital piece of The Wilderness Center community. Each club has its own officers and plans its own activities. (Some may collect dues and produce newsletters; others are highly informal.) The only requirement is membership in The Wilderness Center.
For information about any of our clubs, call TWC at (330) 359-5235. You are also welcome to visit a meeting or club event to see if it is right for you.

TWC's Astronomy Club is a friendly group of people who share a common interest in astronomy. We offer programs and projects that appeal to a variety of interests, knowledge, and skills. We have a special interest in school education through TWC's in-house and outreach programs. We have members with all levels of expertise, from newcomers to advanced amateurs. We welcome anyone who has an interest in the night sky. We meet monthly for a program and meeting. Public observing is held at TWC's Astronomy Education Building on the first Friday of each month at 8 p.m., along with a planetarium program regardless of the weather. Many members also bring their own telescopes. See the website details and more information.

Backpackers and Dayhikers is an organization for active adults. They typically schedule two or three dayhikes and one weekend backpacking trip each month, as well as the occasional cabin trip or car-camping weekend. Dayhikes are usually in northeast Ohio, while backpack trips are most frequently in Ohio, Pennsylvania or West Virginia. The club plans an annual one-week trip to a destination in the western U.S. Past trips have included Wyoming, Colorado and Oregon, Montana, and Canada. Club meetings are held at The Wilderness Center and are usually on the third Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m. They welcome anyone who shares their love of the outdoors and the beauty and challenges it offers. For more information please visit their website

Our organization was established in 1988 under the leadership of Henry Merkle. Our membership leads monthly bird walks the third Saturday of each month on The Wilderness Center trails. Other Bird Club events include day trips to surrounding areas, weekend birding trips, and our annual picnic in July. We sponsor and lead several programs during the year for adults and children alike. TWC Bird Club members also participate in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count and International Migratory Bird Day in the Black Swamp area of NW Ohio.
Please find us on Facebook under TWC Bird Club and request to be added. For more information call 330-359-5235, or email us.