Slow Mow Summer
The balanced way: Slow Mow Summer Slow Mow Summer is a great way for communities to explore new lawn care habits that can last for the rest of the year. Consider adopting one or more of these strategies this summer.
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 05/29/2024
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! This week we are talking about waterfowl! It is the delightful time of year known as “baby bird season” and geese and ducks can be spotted swimming and waddling around with their numerous adorable offspring in tow. Popular culture has historically depicted tossing bread, crackers, and popcorn to the endearing goslings and ducklings…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 05/22/2024
Whooooo’s ready for our upcoming owl prowl? It’s #WildlifeWednesday and we will highlight the 3 species of owls we are most likely to encounter on our grounds this time of year. The Great Horned Owl is the largest owl in Ohio and with its enormous yellow eyes, long ear tufts, and deep hooting call, it…
Read MoreMay 2024 Full Flower Moon
May’s full Flower Moon occurs in the morning on May 23, 2024, at exactly 9:53AM EDT. This is the moment the Sun and Moon are on exact opposite sides of the Earth. For us the Moon will be below the horizon by this time. Being able to see a full Moon at the exact moment…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 05/15/2024
For today’s #WildlifeWednesday we discuss an invasive plant that is widespread throughout Ohio: garlic mustard. Introduced to North America from Europe in the mid-1800s for its herbal and medicinal characteristics, garlic mustard is now present in nearly every county in the state. It spreads easily in pastures, lawns, floodplains, along roadsides, and in woods and…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 05/08/2024
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! April showers bring May flowers, and one of the most iconic is the mayapple. These woodland plants are widespread throughout the eastern USA and emerge early in the spring, typically growing in large colonies from a single root. They prefer rich moist soil with plenty of organic matter and thrive in full or…
Read MoreRosy Maple Moths
Rosy maple moths can be found from May to August in Ohio. Although classified as a “great silk moth” this moth is the smallest of these great moths. Rosy maple moths depend on maple trees for survival – hence their name. Their preferred host trees include red, sugar, silver, and box elder maples. They aren’t…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 05/01/2024
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! It’s that time of year when white-tailed deer babies start showing up in yards and on lawns. Fawns are born in Ohio between May and July and although they are able to walk at birth, they need to spend several weeks with their mother for food and protection. Mother deer purposely leave their…
Read MoreWildlife Wednesday 04/24/2024
Happy #WildlifeWednesday! Grasshoppers are quite common throughout Ohio and can be seen or heard in a variety of habitats, but it’s not every day that you see one with dashing shades of pink. Meet this stunning, green-striped grasshopper, Chortophaga viridifasciata, found at The Wilderness Center last week. Is there something wrong with this colorful critter?…
Read MoreApril 2024 Pink Full Moon
The Pink full Moon of April occurs on April 23 at exactly 7:49PM EDT. No, the Moon itself will not be pink in color. The Pink Moon symbolizes springtime and new growth. It was given the name “pink” after the herb moss pink, also called creeping phlox, a plant native to the eastern U.S. that…
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