Wildlife Wednesday 02/21

Being in nature can be very magical to many people. There has even been a history of different mythical beings that live in and are even connected to nature. One of the most popular being the discussion of fairies. One of the most common fairy sightings that people often see are “fairy rings” that pop…

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Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)

The dancing ribbons of light called aurora borealis or northern lights have mesmerized people for millennia. Galileo named these dancing lights “aurora borealis” in 1619, after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek god of the north wind, Boreas.  The earliest depiction of the auroras may be a cave painting in France dating…

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Wildlife Wednesday 02/14

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! It is Valentine’s Day and love is in the air, especially for coyotes! Today marks the peak of coyote mating season, which spans from late January until early March. Pairs are monogamous and stay together throughout their lives, the strong bond breaking only upon the death of a mate. Coyotes are highly adaptable…

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Little Brown Bats 02/09

The nocturnal little brown bat is one of Ohio’s 13 native bat species.  It is found in North America from the Alaskan and Canadian boreal forest south through most of the U.S. and into central Mexico.  Once the most common bat species in Ohio, it is now listed as endangered in the state and is…

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Wildlife Wednesday 02/07

Happy #WildlifeWednesday! While bird migration during spring and fall can be thrilling with colorful warblers, rarities for your life list, and huge flock numbers, winter birding in Ohio is exciting too, even if simply through a window of your warm and cozy home or local nature center. With leaves having fallen from the deciduous trees…

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Fall Greetings…

From the Director of Development Hello! I am the new Director of development here at The Wilderness Center. I joined the team in May and have been busy ever since! Our goal in the Development Team Is to allow TWC to continue fulfilling its mission to educate and engage our community on the importance of…

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The Wilderness Center helps to Pass “National Native Plant Month”

The Wilderness Center has signed on as a supporter of a resolution to make April National Native Plant Month. U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) introduced the bipartisan resolution which has since received unanimous Senate passage. This resolution recognizes the importance of native plants to environmental conservation and restoration, as well…

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Bee Helpful! Conserve Pollinators!

The conservation effort for pollinators has been in the spotlight or some time now. They are a critical, keystone species for the natural habitats that support the food chain. Native bees have co-evolved with native plants in an intricate exchange of food for pollination services. Plants have showy flowers to attract insects, birds and bats…

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Join us for the Perseid Meteor Shower

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and join The WildernessCenter Astronomy Club for our annual Perseid meteor showerwatch on August 13. No special equipment is needed — justyour eyes. The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower ofthe year. You should plan on staying for a while. The numberof Perseids visible will increase from about…

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