30th Annual Foto Fest Winners

Thank you to all who participated in the 30th Annual Foto Fest at The Wilderness Center! The winners are… 

Best of Show: Shirley Weyrauch, Milky Way in the Tetons

Novice Division:


Judge’s First Place- Kathy DeHass, Hey You… Just Checking In

People’s Choice- Mary Douglas, Groundhog Snack


Judge’s First Place- Mary Douglas, Egret Wading

People’s Choice- Kathy DeHass, Door Dash


Judge’s First Place- Mary Douglas, Woodland Crocus

People’s Choice- Mary Douglas, Woodland Crocus

General Nature

Judge’s First Place- Mary Douglas, Against the Sunset

People’s Choice- Kathy DeHass, Yellow Brick Road


Judge’s First Place- Kathy DeHass, Painted Lady

People’s Choice- Mary Douglas, Swallowtail on Zinnia


Judge’s First Place- Roberta Kettler, Lakeside in Autumn

People’s Choice: Roberta Kettler, Lakeside in Autumn


Judge’s First Place- Charlene Gillam, Swiss Air

People’s Choice- Charlene Gillam, Steam


Judge’s First Place- Kathy DeHass, Building My Immune System

People’s Choice- Kathy DeHass, Building My Immune System

Experienced Division:


Judge’s First Place- John S. Murray, Cheetah Mother & Cubs

People’s Choice- Michelle Wittensoldner, Jumping Fox


Judge’s First Place- Dan Lux, Shorty with Corn Stalks

People’s Choice- Levi Keim, Hummingbird and Canada Lilies


Judge’s First Place- Suzie Lux, Bloodroot

People’s Choice- Levi Keim, Bee Balm

General Nature

Judge’s First Place- Dan Lux, Frost Morning

People’s Choice- Dan Lux, Frost Morning


Judge’s First Place- Bill Roloff, Sun Dragon

People’s Choice- Levi Keim, Spider in Ice


Judge’s First Place- Shirley Weyrauch, Milky Way in the Tetons

People’s Choice- Shirley Weyrauch, Milky Way in the Tetons


Judge’s First Place- John S. Murray, Love Bite

People’s Choice- Jack Perry, Ghostly Abandonment


Judge’s First Place- Michelle Wittensoldner, Cowboys

People’s Choice- Michelle Wittensoldner, Cowboys

Youth Division: 

Judge’s First Place: John O’Donnell, Yellow Ladyslippers

People’s Choice: Keira Gregorich, Orange Brilliance

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